
Monday, July 29, 2019

In the holidays

As you can tell, I love horses, so guess what I did in the holidays? Yes, I rode horses!


  1. Hi Raphelle, over the holidays I went to Hawaii and my family and I lived in a hotel with a swimming pool outside.My favorite thing that I did was going to the beach and also to the ice monster shop. An ice monster is a shaved ice cream. We went there because we wanted to try something new. The weather was very hot, even in the night time.
    If you went to Hawaii,what would your favorite thing be that you would want to do?

  2. Hi Raphelle, Yesterday we went to the movies because on November 2 it was my brothers birthday.We watched Malifecent. After that we went to go get ice cream, I got straw berry cheese cake! Yum!Then we went to the playground for 30 mins.After that we ate cake and KFC.What did you do in your weekend?And comment already!
